Networking Design for Avi Vantage Platform


In the network design for the Avi Vantage Platform you provide two types of connectivity; management connectivity between the Avi Controllers and Avi Service Engines and data IP connectivity for the Avi Service Engines to service application traffic.

The following table summarizes the design decisions for the networking design support of the Avi Vantage platform:

Decision ID Design Decision Design Justification Design Implication
AVI-VI-VC-002 Deploy the Avi Controller Cluster Nodes on the VMware Cloud Foundation Management Network. The network is for traffic sourced from and destined to the Avi Controller Cluster Nodes. Administrative tasks, connectivity to Avi Service Engines and connectivity to network services will all use this network. Using the same network for all 3 Avi Controller Cluster Nodes allows for configuring a floating cluster VIP; a single IP address that will be assigned to the cluster leader.
AVI-VI-VC-003 Deploy the Avi Service Engines management vnic on a VMware Cloud Foundation Management Network. This Avi Service Engines require a designated management network used to connect to the Avi Controller Cluster. This network is for Avi Service Engine management, this is NOT used for load balanced application traffic and data.
AVI-VI-VC-004 Configure one or more Data Network(s) for Avi Service Engines to service application services. The Avi Service Engines require a data network to be used for providing access for load balanced applications and associated application health monitoring. The Avi Service Engine needs to have a data nic assigned to every network that contains the IP subnets that will be used for load balanced VIPS.
AVI-CTLR-001 Use static IPs for Avi Controllers if DHCP cannot guarantee a permanent lease. Avi Controller cluster uses management IPs to form and maintain quorum for the control plane cluster. Any changes would be disruptive. Avi Controller control plane might go down if the management IPs of the Avi Controller change.
AVI-CTLR-002 Latency between Avi Controllers must be <1ms. Avi Controller quorum is latency sensitive. Avi Control plane might go down if latency is high.
AVI-VI-001 Reserve an IP in the management subnet to be used as the Cluster IP for the Avi Controller Cluster A floating IP that will always be accessible regardless of a specific individual Avi Cluster node Admin problem solving is required to figure out how to access the Avi cluster if the specific node being accessed is unavailable

Connectivity for the Avi Vantage Platform

When configuring the Avi Vantage Platform, consider the following best practices:

Management connectivity — Reserve/carve out sufficient IP addresses in a subnet for Controllers and Service Engines management access.

  • Have sufficient IP addresses available for future growth.

  • Subnet assigned for Controller management and Service Engine management could be different.

  • IP connectivity between the Controller and the Service Engine management subnets.

Data IP connectivity for Service Engines — Have sufficient IPs available in the subnets mapped to the port-groups / segments used for data traffic

  • Each Service Engine VM assigned to a particular data port-group would consume an IP address mapped to the port-group.

  • Up to 9 data port-groups can be connected per Service Engine VM.

  • Have sufficient IP addresses available for future growth.

  • Have sufficient IP addresses reserved for virtual service IP addresses (VIPs) if load-balanced applications (virtual services) would use IP addresses in the subnet mapped to the data port-groups.

Port Requirements in Avi Vantage Platform

Port Protocol Source Destination Description
Avi Controller to Controller Access
22 TCP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes Avi Controller Cluster Nodes secure-channel over SSH
443 TCP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes Avi Controller Cluster Nodes access to portal over HTTPS (UI)
8443 TCP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes Avi Controller Cluster Nodes secure key exchange portal over HTTPS
Avi Service Engine to Avi Controller Cluster Node Access
22 TCP Avi Service Engine management IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes secure-channel over SSH
8443 TCP Avi Service Engine management IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes secure key exchange over HTTPS
123 UDP Avi Service Engine management IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes NTP time synchronization
Avi Service Engine to Avi Controller Cluster Node Access
22 TCP Administrator user IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes SSH access to Avi Controller Cluster shell/CLI
443 TCP Administrator user IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes HTTPS access to Avi Controller Cluster system portal (UI/SDK)
161 UDP Administrator user IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes SNMP Poll
5054 TCP Administrator user IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes (Optional) Avi Controller CLI through remote shell
Administration Access
22 TCP Admin User IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes SSH access to Avi Controller Cluster shell/CLI
443 TCP Admin User IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes HTTPS access to Avi Controller Cluster system portal (UI/SDK)
161 UDP Admin User IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes SNMP Poll
5054 TCP Admin User IPs Avi Controller Cluster Nodes (Optional) Avi Controller CLI through remote shell
Avi Controller Cluster Nodes to external services
25 TCP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes SMTP servers SMTP notifications
49 TCP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes TACACS servers TACACS+
53 UDP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes DNS servers DNS
123 UDP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes NTP servers NTP
389 TCP/UDP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes LDAP servers LDAP
636 TCP/UDP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes LDAP servers LDAPs
162 UDP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes SNMP trap collectors SNMP traps
514 UDP Avi Controller Cluster Nodes Syslog servers Syslog notifications
Application Connectivity
* * Application clients Avi Service Engines Open up the required TCP/UDP ports for the clients to communicate with the application.
* * Avi Service Engines Application Servers Open up the required TCP/UDP ports for the Avi Service Engines to communicate with the backend application servers.