Azure Support for Static Virtual Service IP Address


Starting with Avi Vantage release 18.2.5, configuration of static private IP address and public IP address is supported for virtual service in Azure cloud.

Follow the steps mentioned in the below sections for configuration of private IP address and public IP address.

Creating a Virtual Service with Static Private and Static Public IP Address

Login to the Avi CLI and use the configure vsvip <vsvip name> command to associate the virtual service with a public IP address and private IP address.

[admin:10-10-10-1]: > configure vsvip vsvip1
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip> use_standard_alb
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip> vip
New object being created
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> subnet_uuid rahulr-subnet
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> ip_address
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> floating_ip <floating_ip>
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> save
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip> save

[admin:10-10-10-1]: > configure virtualservice vs1
[admin:10-10-10-1]: virtualservice> pool_ref vs-pool
[admin:10-10-10-1]: virtualservice> services port 80
New object being created
[admin:10-10-10-1]: virtualservice:services> save
[admin:10-10-10-1]: virtualservice> vsvip_ref vsvip1
[admin:10-10-10-1]: virtualservice> save

Changing Private and Public IP Allocation Type from Auto Allocate to Static IP

Login to the Avi CLI and perform the following changes:

  • Set an index value for the virtual service.
  • Set the value of avi_allocated_vip and auto_allocate_ip to No and configure the required private IP address.

[admin:10-10-10-1]: > configure vsvip vsvip1
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip> vip index 1
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> no avi_allocated_vip
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> no auto_allocate_ip
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> ip_address
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> save
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip> save

Changing Public IP allocation type from Static to Auto allocate

Login to the Avi CLI and perform the following changes:

  • Set an index value for the virtual service
  • Configure the required subnet_uuid once the auto_allocate_ip flag is enabled. Use the no ip_address command to set the public IP address allocation from static to auto allocate.

[admin:10-10-10-1]: > configure vsvip vsvip1
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip> vip index 1
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> no avi_allocated_fip
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> auto_allocate_floating_ip
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> no floating_ip
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip:vip> save
[admin:10-10-10-1]: vsvip> save

Note: Changing public ip allocation type from auto allocate to static is not allowed.