vSphere Cluster Design for the Avi Vantage Platform

Decision ID Design Decision Decision Justification Design Implication
AVI-VI-VC-024 Recommended to use thick provisioning of disks Ensures disk space guarantee Disk space might not be available causing instabilities.
AVI-VI-VC-025 Add a VM overrides rule for Avi Controllers and set vSphere HA’s VM restart policy to ‘high’ and Host isolation response to disabled. Ensures priority recovery of critical Avi control plane resources. Might cause a long control plane down event.
AVI-VI-VC-026 Add a VM overrides rule for Avi Service Engines and set vSphere HA’s VM restart policy to high and Host isolation response to disabled. Ensures priority recovery of critical Avi data plane resources. Might cause a long time for data plane to recover.