Avi Kubernetes Operator Version 1.6 Release Notes

The Avi Vantage platform integration with OpenShift/ Kubernetes provides a redesigned architecture involving a new operator called Avi Kubernetes Operator (AKO). The following illustration outlines the components of the Avi Kubernetes integration.


Issues Resolved in AKO Version 1.6.4

  • Issue with creating service of type LoadBalancer with named ports

  • FQDN aliases not getting added to all the HTTP policies

  • Improper dedicated virtual service creation of service of type LoadBalancer when gateways and ServiceLB used at the same time

  • Issue with an empty string FQDN programming in L4 virtual service VIP when autoFqdn is disabled and no sub-domains are configured in the DNS profile

  • Issue of SEG label configuration during AviInfraSetting validation if static route sync is disabled

Issues Resolved in AKO Version 1.6.2

  • Issue with creating virtual service VIP for Passthrough routes.

  • Issue with correctly saving ipamType in AKO when no DNS providers are set in the cloud

  • Issue with validations related to tcpSettings listener ports in HostRules

  • AKO syncs service FQDN via External DNS if autoFqdn is disabled

  • Fix for attaching the following to parent virtual services via HostRule:

    • applicationProfile

    • DataScripts

    • httpPolicies

  • Set non-significant log duration to infinite, when configuring analyticsPolicy via HostRule

  • Fix for auth-token renewal after token expiration

What’s New in AKO Version 1.6.1

Key Changes in AKO Version 1.6.1

  • Update annotation instead of status field of AKO statefulset after avi object deletion through deleteConfig flag

  • AKO creates single HTTP Policyset object at Avi Controller side for all paths of same host

  • In Openshift deployments, the HTTPRule with target ‘/’ will be attached to the Route with no path

Known Issues in AKO Version 1.6.1

  • AviInfraSetting CRD can not be applied to passthrough ingress/route

  • AKO is not updating the ingress status when annotation passthrough.ako.vmware.com/enabled: "true" is added to the ingress

  • There are issues when shardVS size changed through AviInfra CR or values.yaml.
    It is recommended to first delete the existing config using deleteConfig as described here and change shardVS size through AviInfraSetting

  • Dedicated virtual service is not getting created for insecure passthrough route after annotation.

  • Some Kubernetes or OPenShift Controller Platform (OCP) applications may not work as expected due to defaults in the System-Secure-HTTP App profile.

  • Virtual service creation fails for one of the services of type load balancer (LB) if a UDP and a TCP LB service with the same port are created in the same namespace

Date Change Summary
February 02, 2021 Published the Release Notes for AKO version 1.6.2
December 24, 2021 Published the Release Notes for AKO version 1.6.1