Avi VirtualService Object API

CLI ``` - configure virtualservice - show virtualservice - scaleout virtualservice - scalein virtualservice - migrate virtualservice - switchover virtualservice - clear virtualservice - resync virtualservice - rotatekeys virtualservice - apicplacement virtualservice - retryplacement virtualservice ``` Examples - **virtualservice_example_1**: To create a basic virtualservice object that has both http and https enabled ```json {'name': 'production_vs', 'services': [{'port': 80}, {'port': 443, 'enable_ssl': True}], 'vsvip_ref': '/api/vsvip/vsvip-5b310671-7784-472b-8096-8679d3e1c769'} ``` - **virtualservice_example_ipamdns_infoblox**: Create a basic virtualservice object that requires IP to be auto-allocated and DNS record to be registered. @Assumptions: - This example assumes the virtualservice being created is part of a Cloud with Infoblox as IPAM & DNS provider - On Infoblox server - \"\" is configured for VIPs - \"prod.corp\" is configured as zone ```json {'name': 'production_vs', 'fqdn': 'production_vs.prod.corp', 'vsvip_ref': '/api/vsvip/vsvip-5b310671-7784-472b-8096-8679d3e1c769'} ``` - **virtualservice_example_ipamdns_internal**: Create a basic virtualservice object that requires IP to be auto-allocated and DNS record to be registered. @Assumptions: - This example assumes the virtualservice being created is part of a Cloud with Internal IPAM & DNS provider - On Avi - Network object containing free IPs from \"\" is already created - \"prod.corp\" is configured as a domain name in DNS provider config in Avi ```json {'name': 'production_vs', 'fqdn': 'production_vs.prod.corp', 'vsvip_ref': '/api/vsvip/vsvip-5b310671-7784-472b-8096-8679d3e1c769'} ```
More information: https://avinetworks.com/contact-us
Contact Info: support@avinetworks.com
Version: 21.1.6
All rights reserved


  1. HTTP Basic Authentication


[ Jump to Models ]

Table of Contents

  1. post /virtualservice/clear
  2. get /virtualservice
  3. post /virtualservice
  4. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/apicplacement
  5. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/authstats/
  6. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/botstats/
  7. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/candidatesehostlist/
  8. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/client/
  9. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/clientsummary/
  10. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/cltrack/
  11. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/cltracksummary/
  12. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/connections/
  13. delete /virtualservice/{uuid}
  14. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/dnspolicystats/
  15. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/dnstable/
  16. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/dosstat/
  17. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/geodbinternal/
  18. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/geolocationinfo/
  19. get /virtualservice/{uuid}
  20. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbservicealgostat/
  21. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbservicedetail/
  22. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbservicehmonstat/
  23. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbserviceinternal/
  24. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbsiteinternal/
  25. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httpconnections/detail/
  26. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httpconnections/
  27. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httppolicyset/
  28. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httppolicysetstats/
  29. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httpstats/
  30. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/icapstats/
  31. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyval/
  32. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyvaldispatch/
  33. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyvalsummary/
  34. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyvalsummaryobjsync/
  35. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/l4policysetstats/
  36. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/migrate
  37. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/networksecuritypolicy/detail/
  38. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/networksecuritypolicystats/
  39. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/outofbandstats/
  40. patch /virtualservice/{uuid}
  41. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/detail/
  42. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/
  43. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/status/
  44. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/summary/
  45. put /virtualservice/{uuid}
  46. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/resync
  47. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/retryplacement
  48. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/rotatekeys
  49. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/runtime/detail/
  50. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/runtime/
  51. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/runtime/internal/
  52. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/scalein
  53. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/scaleout
  54. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/scaleoutstatus/detail/
  55. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/scaleoutstatus/
  56. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/sescaleoutstatus/
  57. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/sslsessioncache/
  58. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/ssopolicystats/
  59. post /virtualservice/{uuid}/switchover
  60. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/tcpstat/
  61. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/traffic_clone_stats/
  62. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/udpstat/
  63. get /virtualservice/{uuid}/userdefineddatascriptcounters/
post /virtualservice/clear


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — empty

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name
refers_to (optional)
Query Parameter — Filter to request all objects that refers to another Avi resource. Its syntax is refers_to=<obj_type>:<obj_uuid>. Eg. get all virtual services referring to pool p1 will be refers_to=pool:pool_p1_uuid
referred_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Filter to request all objects that are referred by another Avi resource. Its syntax is referred_by=<obj_type>:<obj_uuid>. Eg. get all pools referred_by virtual service vs1 - referred_by=virtualservice:vs_vs1_uuid
fields (optional)
Query Parameter — List of fields to be returned for the resource. Some fields like name, URL, uuid etc. are always returned.
include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
join_subresources (optional)
Query Parameter — It automatically returns additional dependent resources like runtime. Eg. join_subresources=runtime.
cloud_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — Filter to get objects that belongs to a specific cloud using its uuid. Eg. cloud_uuid=cloud-xyz.
cloud_ref.name (optional)
Query Parameter — Filter to get objects that belongs to a specific cloud usings its name. This uses cloud name rather than uuid. Eg. cloud_ref.name=Default-Cloud.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "next" : "aeiou",
  "count" : 123,
  "results" : [ {
    "client_auth" : {
      "request_uri_path" : "",
      "auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
      "realm" : "aeiou",
      "type" : "aeiou"
    "dns_policies" : [ {
      "dns_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
      "index" : 123
    } ],
    "l4_policies" : [ {
      "l4_policy_set_ref" : "aeiou",
      "index" : 123
    } ],
    "azure_availability_set" : "aeiou",
    "enable_autogw" : true,
    "content_rewrite" : {
      "req_match_replace_pair" : [ {
        "match_string" : "aeiou",
        "replacement_string" : {
          "val" : "aeiou",
          "type" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "request_rewrite_enabled" : true,
      "rsp_match_replace_pair" : [ "" ],
      "rewritable_content_ref" : "aeiou",
      "rsp_rewrite_rules" : [ {
        "enable" : true,
        "name" : "aeiou",
        "index" : 123,
        "pairs" : [ {
          "replacement_string" : "",
          "search_string" : {
            "val" : "aeiou",
            "type" : "aeiou"
        } ]
      } ],
      "response_rewrite_enabled" : true
    "type" : "aeiou",
    "traffic_enabled" : true,
    "bgp_peer_labels" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "pool_ref" : "aeiou",
    "delay_fairness" : true,
    "cloud_ref" : "aeiou",
    "configpb_attributes" : {
      "version" : 123
    "analytics_policy" : {
      "significant_log_throttle" : 123,
      "all_headers" : true,
      "client_insights" : "aeiou",
      "client_log_filters" : [ {
        "duration" : 123,
        "all_headers" : true,
        "name" : "aeiou",
        "index" : 123,
        "client_ip" : "",
        "uri" : "",
        "enabled" : true
      } ],
      "client_insights_sampling" : {
        "client_ip" : {
          "group_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
          "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
          "prefixes" : [ {
            "ip_addr" : "",
            "mask" : 123
          } ],
          "ranges" : [ {
            "end" : "",
            "begin" : ""
          } ],
          "addrs" : [ {
            "addr" : "aeiou",
            "type" : "aeiou"
          } ]
        "skip_uris" : "",
        "sample_uris" : {
          "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
          "string_group_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
          "match_str" : [ "aeiou" ]
      "metrics_realtime_update" : {
        "duration" : 123,
        "enabled" : true
      "udf_log_throttle" : 123,
      "learning_log_policy" : {
        "port" : 123,
        "host" : "aeiou",
        "enabled" : true
      "enabled" : true,
      "full_client_logs" : {
        "duration" : 123,
        "all_headers" : true,
        "throttle" : 123,
        "enabled" : true
    "enable_rhi_snat" : true,
    "vip" : [ {
      "availability_zone" : "aeiou",
      "ip6_address" : "",
      "subnet" : "",
      "port_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "placement_networks" : [ {
        "subnet" : "",
        "subnet6" : "",
        "network_ref" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "avi_allocated_vip" : true,
      "vip_id" : "aeiou",
      "ip_address" : "",
      "auto_allocate_floating_ip" : true,
      "enabled" : true,
      "auto_allocate_ip_type" : "aeiou",
      "floating_subnet6_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "auto_allocate_ip" : true,
      "subnet6" : "",
      "floating_ip" : "",
      "floating_subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "avi_allocated_fip" : true,
      "subnet6_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "floating_ip6" : "",
      "ipam_network_subnet" : "",
      "network_ref" : "aeiou",
      "prefix_length" : 123,
      "discovered_networks" : [ "" ]
    } ],
    "min_pools_up" : 123,
    "sp_pool_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "apic_contract_graph" : "aeiou",
    "subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
    "advertise_down_vs" : true,
    "bulk_sync_kvcache" : true,
    "waf_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
    "labels" : [ {
      "value" : "aeiou",
      "key" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "security_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
    "ssl_sess_cache_avg_size" : 123,
    "cloud_type" : "aeiou",
    "scaleout_ecmp" : true,
    "cloud_config_cksum" : "aeiou",
    "remove_listening_port_on_vs_down" : true,
    "vsvip_ref" : "aeiou",
    "network_security_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
    "oauth_vs_config" : {
      "oauth_settings" : [ {
        "app_settings" : {
          "oidc_config" : {
            "oidc_enable" : true,
            "profile" : true,
            "userinfo" : true
          "client_secret" : "aeiou",
          "scopes" : [ "aeiou" ],
          "client_id" : "aeiou"
        "resource_server" : {
          "access_type" : "aeiou",
          "jwt_params" : {
            "audience" : "aeiou"
          "opaque_token_params" : {
            "server_secret" : "aeiou",
            "server_id" : "aeiou"
        "auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "cookie_timeout" : 123,
      "redirect_uri" : "aeiou",
      "key" : [ {
        "hmac_key" : "aeiou",
        "aes_key" : "aeiou",
        "name" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "cookie_name" : "aeiou"
    "topology_policies" : [ "" ],
    "jwt_config" : {
      "jwt_name" : "aeiou",
      "audience" : "aeiou",
      "jwt_location" : "aeiou"
    "pool_group_ref" : "aeiou",
    "ssl_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "enabled" : true,
    "limit_doser" : true,
    "discovered_subnet" : [ "" ],
    "max_cps_per_client" : 123,
    "sso_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
    "sso_policy" : {
      "tenant_ref" : "aeiou",
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "authentication_policy" : {
        "sp_metadata" : "aeiou",
        "authn_rules" : [ {
          "enable" : true,
          "match" : {
            "path" : {
              "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
              "string_group_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
              "match_str" : [ "aeiou" ],
              "match_case" : "aeiou"
            "host_hdr" : {
              "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
              "value" : [ "aeiou" ],
              "match_case" : "aeiou"
            "client_ip" : ""
          "name" : "aeiou",
          "action" : {
            "type" : "aeiou"
          "index" : 123
        } ],
        "default_auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
        "cookie_timeout" : 123,
        "auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
        "entity_id" : "aeiou",
        "key" : [ "" ],
        "cookie_name" : "aeiou",
        "single_signon_url" : "aeiou"
      "configpb_attributes" : "",
      "markers" : [ "" ],
      "type" : "aeiou",
      "authorization_policy" : {
        "authz_rules" : [ {
          "enable" : true,
          "match" : {
            "access_token" : {
              "token_name" : "aeiou",
              "matches" : [ {
                "string_match" : "",
                "bool_match" : true,
                "name" : "aeiou",
                "int_match" : 123,
                "is_mandatory" : true,
                "type" : "aeiou",
                "validate" : true
              } ]
            "path" : "",
            "method" : {
              "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
              "methods" : [ "aeiou" ]
            "host_hdr" : "",
            "attr_matches" : [ {
              "attribute_name" : "aeiou",
              "attribute_value_list" : ""
            } ]
          "name" : "aeiou",
          "action" : {
            "status_code" : "aeiou",
            "type" : "aeiou"
          "index" : 123
        } ]
      "uuid" : "aeiou",
      "url" : "aeiou",
      "_last_modified" : "aeiou",
      "labels" : [ "" ]
    "network_ref" : "aeiou",
    "http_policies" : [ {
      "http_policy_set_ref" : "aeiou",
      "index" : 123
    } ],
    "availability_zone" : "aeiou",
    "service_metadata" : "aeiou",
    "bot_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
    "services" : [ {
      "override_network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
      "port" : 123,
      "port_range_end" : 123,
      "enable_http2" : true,
      "horizon_internal_ports" : true,
      "enable_ssl" : true,
      "override_application_profile_ref" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "url" : "aeiou",
    "active_standby_se_tag" : "aeiou",
    "nsx_securitygroup" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "markers" : [ {
      "values" : [ "aeiou" ],
      "key" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "vsvip_cloud_config_cksum" : "aeiou",
    "east_west_placement" : true,
    "subnet" : "",
    "icap_request_profile_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "saml_sp_config" : {
      "sp_metadata" : "aeiou",
      "acs_index" : 123,
      "authn_req_acs_type" : "aeiou",
      "signing_ssl_key_and_certificate_ref" : "aeiou",
      "cookie_timeout" : 123,
      "use_idp_session_timeout" : true,
      "entity_id" : "aeiou",
      "key" : [ "" ],
      "cookie_name" : "aeiou",
      "single_signon_url" : "aeiou"
    "vrf_context_ref" : "aeiou",
    "flow_dist" : "aeiou",
    "dns_info" : [ {
      "metadata" : "aeiou",
      "fqdn" : "aeiou",
      "num_records_in_response" : 123,
      "cname" : {
        "cname" : "aeiou"
      "type" : "aeiou",
      "ttl" : 123,
      "algorithm" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "avi_allocated_vip" : true,
    "uuid" : "aeiou",
    "vh_domain_name" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "snat_ip" : [ "" ],
    "microservice_ref" : "aeiou",
    "error_page_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "avi_allocated_fip" : true,
    "server_network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "use_vip_as_snat" : true,
    "ipam_network_subnet" : {
      "subnet" : "",
      "subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "subnet6" : "",
      "subnet6_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "network_ref" : "aeiou"
    "sideband_profile" : {
      "ip" : [ "" ],
      "sideband_max_request_body_size" : 123
    "performance_limits" : {
      "max_concurrent_connections" : 123,
      "max_throughput" : 123
    "static_dns_records" : [ {
      "ip6_address" : [ {
        "ip6_address" : ""
      } ],
      "mx_records" : [ {
        "host" : "aeiou",
        "priority" : 123
      } ],
      "metadata" : "aeiou",
      "fqdn" : [ "aeiou" ],
      "ns" : [ {
        "ip6_address" : "",
        "ip_address" : "",
        "nsname" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "cname" : "",
      "description" : "aeiou",
      "ip_address" : [ {
        "ip_address" : ""
      } ],
      "type" : "aeiou",
      "ttl" : 123,
      "wildcard_match" : true,
      "txt_records" : [ {
        "text_str" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "num_records_in_response" : 123,
      "service_locator" : [ {
        "port" : 123,
        "weight" : 123,
        "priority" : 123,
        "target" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "delegated" : true,
      "algorithm" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "fqdn" : "aeiou",
    "vh_parent_vs_ref" : "aeiou",
    "weight" : 123,
    "auto_allocate_floating_ip" : true,
    "ldap_vs_config" : {
      "se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only" : true,
      "se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server" : 123,
      "se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout" : 123,
      "realm" : "aeiou",
      "se_auth_ldap_cache_size" : 123,
      "se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout" : 123,
      "se_auth_ldap_request_timeout" : 123,
      "se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout" : 123
    "created_by" : "aeiou",
    "service_pool_select" : [ {
      "service_protocol" : "aeiou",
      "service_port_range_end" : 123,
      "service_pool_ref" : "aeiou",
      "service_pool_group_ref" : "aeiou",
      "service_port" : 123
    } ],
    "vh_type" : "aeiou",
    "allow_invalid_client_cert" : true,
    "application_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "flow_label_type" : "aeiou",
    "name" : "aeiou",
    "traffic_clone_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "host_name_xlate" : "aeiou",
    "connections_rate_limit" : {
      "rate_limiter" : {
        "period" : 123,
        "count" : 123,
        "name" : "aeiou",
        "burst_sz" : 123
      "period" : 123,
      "count" : 123,
      "action" : {
        "redirect" : {
          "keep_query" : true,
          "path" : "",
          "protocol" : "aeiou",
          "status_code" : "aeiou",
          "add_string" : "aeiou",
          "port" : 123,
          "host" : {
            "tokens" : [ {
              "start_index" : 123,
              "str_value" : "aeiou",
              "end_index" : 123,
              "type" : "aeiou"
            } ],
            "type" : "aeiou"
        "file" : {
          "file_content" : "aeiou",
          "content_type" : "aeiou",
          "file_length" : 123
        "status_code" : "aeiou",
        "type" : "aeiou"
      "burst_sz" : 123,
      "explicit_tracking" : true,
      "fine_grain" : true,
      "http_cookie" : "aeiou",
      "http_header" : "aeiou"
    "port_uuid" : "aeiou",
    "description" : "aeiou",
    "vs_datascripts" : [ {
      "index" : 123,
      "vs_datascript_set_ref" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "ssl_key_and_certificate_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "_last_modified" : "aeiou",
    "se_group_ref" : "aeiou",
    "network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "auto_allocate_ip" : true,
    "close_client_conn_on_config_update" : true,
    "floating_ip" : "",
    "floating_subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
    "discovered_network_ref" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "analytics_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "use_bridge_ip_as_vip" : true,
    "requests_rate_limit" : "",
    "enable_rhi" : true,
    "ip_address" : "",
    "test_se_datastore_level_1_ref" : "aeiou",
    "ssl_profile_selectors" : [ {
      "ssl_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
      "client_ip_list" : ""
    } ],
    "vh_matches" : [ {
      "path" : [ "" ],
      "host" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "tenant_ref" : "aeiou",
    "ign_pool_net_reach" : true,
    "discovered_networks" : [ {
      "subnet" : [ "" ],
      "subnet6" : [ "" ],
      "network_ref" : "aeiou"
    } ]
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK VirtualServiceApiResponse


log in failed

post /virtualservice


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VirtualService object creation

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "client_auth" : {
    "request_uri_path" : "",
    "auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "realm" : "aeiou",
    "type" : "aeiou"
  "dns_policies" : [ {
    "dns_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
    "index" : 123
  } ],
  "l4_policies" : [ {
    "l4_policy_set_ref" : "aeiou",
    "index" : 123
  } ],
  "azure_availability_set" : "aeiou",
  "enable_autogw" : true,
  "content_rewrite" : {
    "req_match_replace_pair" : [ {
      "match_string" : "aeiou",
      "replacement_string" : {
        "val" : "aeiou",
        "type" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "request_rewrite_enabled" : true,
    "rsp_match_replace_pair" : [ "" ],
    "rewritable_content_ref" : "aeiou",
    "rsp_rewrite_rules" : [ {
      "enable" : true,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "index" : 123,
      "pairs" : [ {
        "replacement_string" : "",
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      "auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou"
    } ],
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  "enabled" : true,
  "limit_doser" : true,
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  "max_cps_per_client" : 123,
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  "sso_policy" : {
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    "name" : "aeiou",
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      "authn_rules" : [ {
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          "type" : "aeiou"
        "index" : 123
      } ],
      "default_auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
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      "auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
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      "authz_rules" : [ {
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            "matches" : [ {
              "string_match" : "",
              "bool_match" : true,
              "name" : "aeiou",
              "int_match" : 123,
              "is_mandatory" : true,
              "type" : "aeiou",
              "validate" : true
            } ]
          "path" : "",
          "method" : {
            "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
            "methods" : [ "aeiou" ]
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            "attribute_value_list" : ""
          } ]
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      } ]
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    "url" : "aeiou",
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  "network_ref" : "aeiou",
  "http_policies" : [ {
    "http_policy_set_ref" : "aeiou",
    "index" : 123
  } ],
  "availability_zone" : "aeiou",
  "service_metadata" : "aeiou",
  "bot_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
  "services" : [ {
    "override_network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "port" : 123,
    "port_range_end" : 123,
    "enable_http2" : true,
    "horizon_internal_ports" : true,
    "enable_ssl" : true,
    "override_application_profile_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "url" : "aeiou",
  "active_standby_se_tag" : "aeiou",
  "nsx_securitygroup" : [ "aeiou" ],
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    "values" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "key" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "vsvip_cloud_config_cksum" : "aeiou",
  "east_west_placement" : true,
  "subnet" : "",
  "icap_request_profile_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "saml_sp_config" : {
    "sp_metadata" : "aeiou",
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    "authn_req_acs_type" : "aeiou",
    "signing_ssl_key_and_certificate_ref" : "aeiou",
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  "flow_dist" : "aeiou",
  "dns_info" : [ {
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    "num_records_in_response" : 123,
    "cname" : {
      "cname" : "aeiou"
    "type" : "aeiou",
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    "algorithm" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "avi_allocated_vip" : true,
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  "microservice_ref" : "aeiou",
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  "server_network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "use_vip_as_snat" : true,
  "ipam_network_subnet" : {
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    "subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
    "subnet6" : "",
    "subnet6_uuid" : "aeiou",
    "network_ref" : "aeiou"
  "sideband_profile" : {
    "ip" : [ "" ],
    "sideband_max_request_body_size" : 123
  "performance_limits" : {
    "max_concurrent_connections" : 123,
    "max_throughput" : 123
  "static_dns_records" : [ {
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      "ip6_address" : ""
    } ],
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      "priority" : 123
    } ],
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    } ],
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    } ],
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    "wildcard_match" : true,
    "txt_records" : [ {
      "text_str" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "num_records_in_response" : 123,
    "service_locator" : [ {
      "port" : 123,
      "weight" : 123,
      "priority" : 123,
      "target" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "delegated" : true,
    "algorithm" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "fqdn" : "aeiou",
  "vh_parent_vs_ref" : "aeiou",
  "weight" : 123,
  "auto_allocate_floating_ip" : true,
  "ldap_vs_config" : {
    "se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout" : 123,
    "realm" : "aeiou",
    "se_auth_ldap_cache_size" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_request_timeout" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout" : 123
  "created_by" : "aeiou",
  "service_pool_select" : [ {
    "service_protocol" : "aeiou",
    "service_port_range_end" : 123,
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    "service_pool_group_ref" : "aeiou",
    "service_port" : 123
  } ],
  "vh_type" : "aeiou",
  "allow_invalid_client_cert" : true,
  "application_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "flow_label_type" : "aeiou",
  "name" : "aeiou",
  "traffic_clone_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "host_name_xlate" : "aeiou",
  "connections_rate_limit" : {
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      "period" : 123,
      "count" : 123,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "burst_sz" : 123
    "period" : 123,
    "count" : 123,
    "action" : {
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      "status_code" : "aeiou",
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    "vs_datascript_set_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ],
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  "se_group_ref" : "aeiou",
  "network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "auto_allocate_ip" : true,
  "close_client_conn_on_config_update" : true,
  "floating_ip" : "",
  "floating_subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
  "discovered_network_ref" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "analytics_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "use_bridge_ip_as_vip" : true,
  "requests_rate_limit" : "",
  "enable_rhi" : true,
  "ip_address" : "",
  "test_se_datastore_level_1_ref" : "aeiou",
  "ssl_profile_selectors" : [ {
    "ssl_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "client_ip_list" : ""
  } ],
  "vh_matches" : [ {
    "path" : [ "" ],
    "host" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "tenant_ref" : "aeiou",
  "ign_pool_net_reach" : true,
  "discovered_networks" : [ {
    "subnet" : [ "" ],
    "subnet6" : [ "" ],
    "network_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK VirtualService


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/apicplacement

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — ApicVSPlacementReq

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/authstats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/botstats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/candidatesehostlist/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/client/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/clientsummary/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/cltrack/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/cltracksummary/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/connections/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

delete /virtualservice/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



object deleted String


not found

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/dnspolicystats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/dnstable/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/dosstat/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/geodbinternal/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/geolocationinfo/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name
fields (optional)
Query Parameter — List of fields to be returned for the resource. Some fields like name, URL, uuid etc. are always returned.
include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
join_subresources (optional)
Query Parameter — It automatically returns additional dependent resources like runtime. Eg. join_subresources=runtime.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "client_auth" : {
    "request_uri_path" : "",
    "auth_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "realm" : "aeiou",
    "type" : "aeiou"
  "dns_policies" : [ {
    "dns_policy_ref" : "aeiou",
    "index" : 123
  } ],
  "l4_policies" : [ {
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    "index" : 123
  } ],
  "azure_availability_set" : "aeiou",
  "enable_autogw" : true,
  "content_rewrite" : {
    "req_match_replace_pair" : [ {
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      "replacement_string" : {
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        "type" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "request_rewrite_enabled" : true,
    "rsp_match_replace_pair" : [ "" ],
    "rewritable_content_ref" : "aeiou",
    "rsp_rewrite_rules" : [ {
      "enable" : true,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "index" : 123,
      "pairs" : [ {
        "replacement_string" : "",
        "search_string" : {
          "val" : "aeiou",
          "type" : "aeiou"
      } ]
    } ],
    "response_rewrite_enabled" : true
  "type" : "aeiou",
  "traffic_enabled" : true,
  "bgp_peer_labels" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "pool_ref" : "aeiou",
  "delay_fairness" : true,
  "cloud_ref" : "aeiou",
  "configpb_attributes" : {
    "version" : 123
  "analytics_policy" : {
    "significant_log_throttle" : 123,
    "all_headers" : true,
    "client_insights" : "aeiou",
    "client_log_filters" : [ {
      "duration" : 123,
      "all_headers" : true,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "index" : 123,
      "client_ip" : "",
      "uri" : "",
      "enabled" : true
    } ],
    "client_insights_sampling" : {
      "client_ip" : {
        "group_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
        "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
        "prefixes" : [ {
          "ip_addr" : "",
          "mask" : 123
        } ],
        "ranges" : [ {
          "end" : "",
          "begin" : ""
        } ],
        "addrs" : [ {
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        } ]
      "skip_uris" : "",
      "sample_uris" : {
        "match_criteria" : "aeiou",
        "string_group_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
        "match_str" : [ "aeiou" ]
    "metrics_realtime_update" : {
      "duration" : 123,
      "enabled" : true
    "udf_log_throttle" : 123,
    "learning_log_policy" : {
      "port" : 123,
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      "enabled" : true
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  } ],
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  } ],
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    } ],
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    } ],
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  } ],
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  "name" : "aeiou",
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      "period" : 123,
      "count" : 123,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "burst_sz" : 123
    "period" : 123,
    "count" : 123,
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  } ],
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  } ],
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  } ],
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    "network_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK VirtualService


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbservicealgostat/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbservicedetail/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbservicehmonstat/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbserviceinternal/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/gslbsiteinternal/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httpconnections/detail/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httpconnections/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httppolicyset/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httppolicysetstats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/httpstats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/icapstats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyval/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyvaldispatch/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyvalsummary/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/keyvalsummaryobjsync/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/l4policysetstats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/migrate

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VsMigrateParams

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/networksecuritypolicy/detail/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/networksecuritypolicystats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/outofbandstats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

patch /virtualservice/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VirtualService object creation

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "client_auth" : {
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    "realm" : "aeiou",
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  "dns_policies" : [ {
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    "index" : 123
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      } ]
    } ],
    "response_rewrite_enabled" : true
  "type" : "aeiou",
  "traffic_enabled" : true,
  "bgp_peer_labels" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "pool_ref" : "aeiou",
  "delay_fairness" : true,
  "cloud_ref" : "aeiou",
  "configpb_attributes" : {
    "version" : 123
  "analytics_policy" : {
    "significant_log_throttle" : 123,
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    "client_insights" : "aeiou",
    "client_log_filters" : [ {
      "duration" : 123,
      "all_headers" : true,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "index" : 123,
      "client_ip" : "",
      "uri" : "",
      "enabled" : true
    } ],
    "client_insights_sampling" : {
      "client_ip" : {
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      "duration" : 123,
      "enabled" : true
    "udf_log_throttle" : 123,
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      "host" : "aeiou",
      "enabled" : true
    "enabled" : true,
    "full_client_logs" : {
      "duration" : 123,
      "all_headers" : true,
      "throttle" : 123,
      "enabled" : true
  "enable_rhi_snat" : true,
  "vip" : [ {
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  } ],
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    "host" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "tenant_ref" : "aeiou",
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  "discovered_networks" : [ {
    "subnet" : [ "" ],
    "subnet6" : [ "" ],
    "network_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK VirtualService


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/detail/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/status/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/placement/summary/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

put /virtualservice/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VirtualService object creation

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
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      } ]
    } ],
    "response_rewrite_enabled" : true
  "type" : "aeiou",
  "traffic_enabled" : true,
  "bgp_peer_labels" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "pool_ref" : "aeiou",
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  "configpb_attributes" : {
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  "services" : [ {
    "override_network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "port" : 123,
    "port_range_end" : 123,
    "enable_http2" : true,
    "horizon_internal_ports" : true,
    "enable_ssl" : true,
    "override_application_profile_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "url" : "aeiou",
  "active_standby_se_tag" : "aeiou",
  "nsx_securitygroup" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "markers" : [ {
    "values" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "key" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "vsvip_cloud_config_cksum" : "aeiou",
  "east_west_placement" : true,
  "subnet" : "",
  "icap_request_profile_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "saml_sp_config" : {
    "sp_metadata" : "aeiou",
    "acs_index" : 123,
    "authn_req_acs_type" : "aeiou",
    "signing_ssl_key_and_certificate_ref" : "aeiou",
    "cookie_timeout" : 123,
    "use_idp_session_timeout" : true,
    "entity_id" : "aeiou",
    "key" : [ "" ],
    "cookie_name" : "aeiou",
    "single_signon_url" : "aeiou"
  "vrf_context_ref" : "aeiou",
  "flow_dist" : "aeiou",
  "dns_info" : [ {
    "metadata" : "aeiou",
    "fqdn" : "aeiou",
    "num_records_in_response" : 123,
    "cname" : {
      "cname" : "aeiou"
    "type" : "aeiou",
    "ttl" : 123,
    "algorithm" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "avi_allocated_vip" : true,
  "uuid" : "aeiou",
  "vh_domain_name" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "snat_ip" : [ "" ],
  "microservice_ref" : "aeiou",
  "error_page_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "avi_allocated_fip" : true,
  "server_network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "use_vip_as_snat" : true,
  "ipam_network_subnet" : {
    "subnet" : "",
    "subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
    "subnet6" : "",
    "subnet6_uuid" : "aeiou",
    "network_ref" : "aeiou"
  "sideband_profile" : {
    "ip" : [ "" ],
    "sideband_max_request_body_size" : 123
  "performance_limits" : {
    "max_concurrent_connections" : 123,
    "max_throughput" : 123
  "static_dns_records" : [ {
    "ip6_address" : [ {
      "ip6_address" : ""
    } ],
    "mx_records" : [ {
      "host" : "aeiou",
      "priority" : 123
    } ],
    "metadata" : "aeiou",
    "fqdn" : [ "aeiou" ],
    "ns" : [ {
      "ip6_address" : "",
      "ip_address" : "",
      "nsname" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "cname" : "",
    "description" : "aeiou",
    "ip_address" : [ {
      "ip_address" : ""
    } ],
    "type" : "aeiou",
    "ttl" : 123,
    "wildcard_match" : true,
    "txt_records" : [ {
      "text_str" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "num_records_in_response" : 123,
    "service_locator" : [ {
      "port" : 123,
      "weight" : 123,
      "priority" : 123,
      "target" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "delegated" : true,
    "algorithm" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "fqdn" : "aeiou",
  "vh_parent_vs_ref" : "aeiou",
  "weight" : 123,
  "auto_allocate_floating_ip" : true,
  "ldap_vs_config" : {
    "se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout" : 123,
    "realm" : "aeiou",
    "se_auth_ldap_cache_size" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_request_timeout" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout" : 123
  "created_by" : "aeiou",
  "service_pool_select" : [ {
    "service_protocol" : "aeiou",
    "service_port_range_end" : 123,
    "service_pool_ref" : "aeiou",
    "service_pool_group_ref" : "aeiou",
    "service_port" : 123
  } ],
  "vh_type" : "aeiou",
  "allow_invalid_client_cert" : true,
  "application_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "flow_label_type" : "aeiou",
  "name" : "aeiou",
  "traffic_clone_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "host_name_xlate" : "aeiou",
  "connections_rate_limit" : {
    "rate_limiter" : {
      "period" : 123,
      "count" : 123,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "burst_sz" : 123
    "period" : 123,
    "count" : 123,
    "action" : {
      "redirect" : {
        "keep_query" : true,
        "path" : "",
        "protocol" : "aeiou",
        "status_code" : "aeiou",
        "add_string" : "aeiou",
        "port" : 123,
        "host" : {
          "tokens" : [ {
            "start_index" : 123,
            "str_value" : "aeiou",
            "end_index" : 123,
            "type" : "aeiou"
          } ],
          "type" : "aeiou"
      "file" : {
        "file_content" : "aeiou",
        "content_type" : "aeiou",
        "file_length" : 123
      "status_code" : "aeiou",
      "type" : "aeiou"
    "burst_sz" : 123,
    "explicit_tracking" : true,
    "fine_grain" : true,
    "http_cookie" : "aeiou",
    "http_header" : "aeiou"
  "port_uuid" : "aeiou",
  "description" : "aeiou",
  "vs_datascripts" : [ {
    "index" : 123,
    "vs_datascript_set_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "ssl_key_and_certificate_refs" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "_last_modified" : "aeiou",
  "se_group_ref" : "aeiou",
  "network_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "auto_allocate_ip" : true,
  "close_client_conn_on_config_update" : true,
  "floating_ip" : "",
  "floating_subnet_uuid" : "aeiou",
  "discovered_network_ref" : [ "aeiou" ],
  "analytics_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
  "use_bridge_ip_as_vip" : true,
  "requests_rate_limit" : "",
  "enable_rhi" : true,
  "ip_address" : "",
  "test_se_datastore_level_1_ref" : "aeiou",
  "ssl_profile_selectors" : [ {
    "ssl_profile_ref" : "aeiou",
    "client_ip_list" : ""
  } ],
  "vh_matches" : [ {
    "path" : [ "" ],
    "host" : "aeiou"
  } ],
  "tenant_ref" : "aeiou",
  "ign_pool_net_reach" : true,
  "discovered_networks" : [ {
    "subnet" : [ "" ],
    "subnet6" : [ "" ],
    "network_ref" : "aeiou"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK VirtualService


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/resync

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VsResyncParams

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/retryplacement

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — RetryPlacementParams

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/rotatekeys

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — empty

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/runtime/detail/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/runtime/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/runtime/internal/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/scalein

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VsScaleinParams

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/scaleout

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VsScaleoutParams

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/scaleoutstatus/detail/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/scaleoutstatus/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/sescaleoutstatus/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/sslsessioncache/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/ssopolicystats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

post /virtualservice/{uuid}/switchover

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — VsSwitchoverParams

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/tcpstat/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/traffic_clone_stats/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/udpstat/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed

get /virtualservice/{uuid}/userdefineddatascriptcounters/

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK String


log in failed



[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. APICNetworkRel
  2. AnalyticsPolicy
  3. ApicVSPlacementReq
  4. AuthAttributeMatch
  5. AuthenticationAction
  6. AuthenticationMatch
  7. AuthenticationPolicy
  8. AuthenticationRule
  9. AuthorizationAction
  10. AuthorizationMatch
  11. AuthorizationPolicy
  12. AuthorizationRule
  13. Cif
  14. ClientInsightsSampling
  15. ClientLogFilter
  16. ConfigPbAttributes
  17. ConnectionClearFilter
  18. ContentRewriteProfile
  19. DiscoveredNetwork
  20. DnsAAAARdata
  21. DnsARdata
  22. DnsCnameRdata
  23. DnsInfo
  24. DnsMxRdata
  25. DnsNsRdata
  26. DnsPolicies
  27. DnsRecord
  28. DnsSrvRdata
  29. DnsTxtRdata
  30. FullClientLogs
  31. HTTPClientAuthenticationParams
  32. HTTPLocalFile
  33. HTTPPolicies
  34. HTTPRedirectAction
  35. HostHdrMatch
  36. HttpCookiePersistenceKey
  37. IPNetworkSubnet
  38. IpAddr
  39. IpAddrMatch
  40. IpAddrPrefix
  41. IpAddrRange
  42. JWTClaimMatch
  43. JWTMatch
  44. JWTValidationParams
  45. JWTValidationVsConfig
  46. KeyValue
  47. L4Policies
  48. LDAPVSConfig
  49. LearningLogPolicy
  50. Lif
  51. MatchReplacePair
  52. MethodMatch
  53. MetricsRealTimeUpdate
  54. OAuthAppSettings
  55. OAuthResourceServer
  56. OAuthSettings
  57. OAuthVSConfig
  58. OIDCConfig
  59. OpaqueTokenValidationParams
  60. PathMatch
  61. PerformanceLimits
  62. RateLimiter
  63. RateLimiterAction
  64. RateProfile
  65. ReplaceStringVar
  66. RetryPlacementParams
  67. RoleFilterMatchLabel
  68. RspContentRewriteRule
  69. SAMLSPConfig
  70. SSLCacheFilter
  71. SSLProfileSelector
  72. SSOPolicy
  73. SSOPolicyApiResponse
  74. SearchReplacePair
  75. SearchStringVar
  76. Service
  77. ServicePoolSelector
  78. SidebandProfile
  79. StringMatch
  80. URIParam
  81. URIParamToken
  82. VHMatch
  83. VSDataScripts
  84. Vip
  85. VipPlacementNetwork
  86. VirtualService
  87. VirtualServiceApiResponse
  88. VsMigrateParams
  89. VsResyncParams
  90. VsScaleinParams
  91. VsScaleoutParams
  92. VsSwitchoverParams

APICNetworkRel Up

connector (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
rel_key (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
target_network (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AnalyticsPolicy Up

all_headers (optional)
Boolean Log all headers. Field introduced in 18.1.4, 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
client_insights (optional)
String Gain insights from sampled client to server HTTP requests and responses. Enum options - NO_INSIGHTS, PASSIVE, ACTIVE. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
client_insights_sampling (optional)
ClientInsightsSampling Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
client_log_filters (optional)
array[ClientLogFilter] Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
enabled (optional)
Boolean [DEPRECATED] Disable Analytics on this VirtualService. This will disable the collection of both metrics and logs. Please use following fields in AnalytcsProfile to control this behavior instead. disable_vs_analytics (for VirtualServices metrics), disable_server_analytics (for Pool metrics) and client_log_config (for logs). Field deprecated in 18.2.1. Field introduced in 17.2.4. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
full_client_logs (optional)
FullClientLogs Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
learning_log_policy (optional)
LearningLogPolicy Configuration for learning logging determining whether it's enabled and where is the destination. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metrics_realtime_update (optional)
MetricsRealTimeUpdate Settings to turn on realtime metrics and set duration for realtime updates. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
significant_log_throttle (optional)
Integer This setting limits the number of significant logs generated per second for this VS on each SE. Default is 10 logs per second. Set it to zero (0) to deactivate throttling. Field introduced in 17.1.3. Unit is PER_SECOND. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
udf_log_throttle (optional)
Integer This setting limits the total number of UDF logs generated per second for this VS on each SE. UDF logs are generated due to the configured client log filters or the rules with logging enabled. Default is 10 logs per second. Set it to zero (0) to deactivate throttling. Field introduced in 17.1.3. Unit is PER_SECOND. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

ApicVSPlacementReq Up

graph (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
lifs (optional)
array[Lif] Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
network_rel (optional)
array[APICNetworkRel] Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_name (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vdev (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vgrp (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthAttributeMatch Up

String Attribute name whose values will be looked up in the access lists. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
StringMatch Attribute Values used to determine access when authentication applies. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthenticationAction Up

String Authentication Action to be taken for a matched Rule. Enum options - SKIP_AUTHENTICATION, USE_DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthenticationMatch Up

client_ip (optional)
IpAddrMatch Configure client ip addresses. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
host_hdr (optional)
HostHdrMatch Configure the host header. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
path (optional)
PathMatch Configure request paths. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthenticationPolicy Up

auth_profile_ref (optional)
String Auth Profile to use for validating users. It is a reference to an object of type AuthProfile. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
authn_rules (optional)
array[AuthenticationRule] Add rules to apply auth profile to specific targets. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cookie_name (optional)
String HTTP cookie name for authenticated session. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cookie_timeout (optional)
Integer Cookie timeout in minutes. Allowed values are 1-1440. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Unit is MIN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
default_auth_profile_ref (optional)
String Auth Profile to use for validating users. It is a reference to an object of type AuthProfile. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_id (optional)
String Globally unique entityID for this node. Entity ID on the IDP should match this. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
key (optional)
array[HttpCookiePersistenceKey] Key to generate the cookie. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
single_signon_url (optional)
String Single Signon URL to be programmed on the IDP. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
sp_metadata (optional)
String SAML SP metadata. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthenticationRule Up

action (optional)
AuthenticationAction Enable or disable authentication for matched targets. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Boolean Enable or disable the rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Index of the rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
match (optional)
AuthenticationMatch Add match criteria to the rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Name of the rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthorizationAction Up

status_code (optional)
String HTTP status code to use for local response when an policy rule is matched. Enum options - HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_401, HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_403. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
type (optional)
String Defines the action taken when an authorization policy rule is matched. By default, access is allowed to the requested resource. Enum options - ALLOW_ACCESS, CLOSE_CONNECTION, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthorizationMatch Up

access_token (optional)
JWTMatch Access Token claims to be matched. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
attr_matches (optional)
array[AuthAttributeMatch] Attributes whose values need to be matched . Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
host_hdr (optional)
HostHdrMatch Host header value to be matched. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
method (optional)
MethodMatch HTTP methods to be matched. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
path (optional)
PathMatch Paths/URLs to be matched. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthorizationPolicy Up

authz_rules (optional)
array[AuthorizationRule] Authorization Policy Rules. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AuthorizationRule Up

AuthorizationAction Authorization action when rule is matched. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Boolean Enable or disable the rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Index of the Authorization Policy rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
AuthorizationMatch Authorization match criteria for the rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Name of the rule. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Cif Up

adapter (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cif (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
mac_address (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
resources (optional)
array[String] Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
se_uuid (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

ClientInsightsSampling Up

client_ip (optional)
IpAddrMatch Client IP addresses to check when inserting RUM script. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
sample_uris (optional)
StringMatch URL patterns to check when inserting RUM script. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
skip_uris (optional)
StringMatch URL patterns to avoid when inserting RUM script. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

ClientLogFilter Up

all_headers (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
client_ip (optional)
IpAddrMatch Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
duration (optional)
Integer Special values are 0 - infinite. Unit is MIN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uri (optional)
StringMatch Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

ConfigPbAttributes Up

version (optional)
Integer Protobuf version number. Gets incremented if there is se Diff of federated diff in config pbs.This field will be a monotonically increasing number indicating the number of Config Update operations. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

ConnectionClearFilter Up

ip_addr (optional)
String IP address in dotted decimal notation. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
port (optional)
Integer Port number. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

ContentRewriteProfile Up

req_match_replace_pair (optional)
array[MatchReplacePair] Strings to be matched and replaced with on the request body. This should be configured when request_rewrite_enabled is set to true. This is currently not supported. Field deprecated in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
request_rewrite_enabled (optional)
Boolean Enable rewrite on request body. This is not currently supported. Field deprecated in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
response_rewrite_enabled (optional)
Boolean Enable rewrite on response body. Field deprecated in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
rewritable_content_ref (optional)
String Rewrite only content types listed in this string group. Content types not present in this list are not rewritten. It is a reference to an object of type StringGroup. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
rsp_match_replace_pair (optional)
array[MatchReplacePair] Strings to be matched and replaced with on the response body. This should be configured when response_rewrite_enabled is set to true. Field deprecated in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
rsp_rewrite_rules (optional)
array[RspContentRewriteRule] Content Rewrite rules to be enabled on theresponse body. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Maximum of 1 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

DiscoveredNetwork Up

String Discovered network for this IP. It is a reference to an object of type Network. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet (optional)
array[IpAddrPrefix] Discovered subnet for this IP. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet6 (optional)
array[IpAddrPrefix] Discovered IPv6 subnet for this IP. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

DnsAAAARdata Up

IpAddr IPv6 address for FQDN. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

DnsARdata Up

IpAddr IP address for FQDN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

DnsCnameRdata Up

String Canonical name. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

DnsInfo Up

algorithm (optional)
String Specifies the algorithm to pick the IP address(es) to be returned, when multiple entries are configured. This does not apply if num_records_in_response is 0. Default is consistent hash. Enum options - DNS_RECORD_RESPONSE_ROUND_ROBIN, DNS_RECORD_RESPONSE_CONSISTENT_HASH. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cname (optional)
DnsCnameRdata Canonical name in CNAME record. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
fqdn (optional)
String Fully qualified domain name. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metadata (optional)
String Any metadata associated with this record. Field introduced in 17.2.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
num_records_in_response (optional)
Integer Specifies the number of records returned for this FQDN. Enter 0 to return all records. Default is 0. Allowed values are 0-20. Special values are 0- Return all records. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
ttl (optional)
Integer Time to live for fqdn record. Default value is chosen from DNS profile for this cloud if no value provided. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
type (optional)

DnsMxRdata Up

String Fully qualified domain name of a mailserver . The host name maps directly to one or more address records in the DNS table, and must not point to any CNAME records (RFC 2181). Field introduced in 18.2.9, 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer The priority field identifies which mail server should be preferred. Allowed values are 0-65535. Field introduced in 18.2.9, 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

DnsNsRdata Up

ip6_address (optional)
IpAddr IPv6 address for Name Server. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ip_address (optional)
IpAddr IP address for Name Server. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Name Server name. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

DnsPolicies Up

String UUID of the dns policy. It is a reference to an object of type DnsPolicy. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Index of the dns policy. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

DnsRecord Up

algorithm (optional)
String Specifies the algorithm to pick the IP address(es) to be returned, when multiple entries are configured. This does not apply if num_records_in_response is 0. Default is round-robin. Enum options - DNS_RECORD_RESPONSE_ROUND_ROBIN, DNS_RECORD_RESPONSE_CONSISTENT_HASH. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cname (optional)
DnsCnameRdata Canonical name in CNAME record. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
delegated (optional)
Boolean Configured FQDNs are delegated domains (i.e. they represent a zone cut). Field introduced in 17.1.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
description (optional)
String Details of DNS record. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
fqdn (optional)
array[String] Fully Qualified Domain Name. Minimum of 1 items required. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ip6_address (optional)
array[DnsAAAARdata] IPv6 address in AAAA record. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Maximum of 4 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ip_address (optional)
array[DnsARdata] IP address in A record. Maximum of 4 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metadata (optional)
String Internal metadata for the DNS record. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
mx_records (optional)
array[DnsMxRdata] MX record. Field introduced in 18.2.9, 20.1.1. Maximum of 4 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ns (optional)
array[DnsNsRdata] Name Server information in NS record. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Maximum of 13 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
num_records_in_response (optional)
Integer Specifies the number of records returned by the DNS service. Enter 0 to return all records. Default is 0. Allowed values are 0-20. Special values are 0- Return all records. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
service_locator (optional)
array[DnsSrvRdata] Service locator info in SRV record. Maximum of 4 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ttl (optional)
Integer Time To Live for this DNS record. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
txt_records (optional)
array[DnsTxtRdata] Text record. Field introduced in 18.2.9, 20.1.1. Maximum of 4 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
wildcard_match (optional)
Boolean Enable wild-card match of fqdn if an exact match is not found in the DNS table, the longest match is chosen by wild-carding the fqdn in the DNS request. Default is false. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

DnsSrvRdata Up

Integer Service port. Allowed values are 0-65535. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
priority (optional)
Integer Priority of the target hosting the service, low value implies higher priority for this service record. Allowed values are 0-65535. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
target (optional)
String Canonical hostname, of the machine hosting the service, with no trailing period. 'default.host' is valid but not 'default.host.'. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
weight (optional)
Integer Relative weight for service records with same priority, high value implies higher preference for this service record. Allowed values are 0-65535. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

DnsTxtRdata Up

String Text data associated with the FQDN. Field introduced in 18.2.9, 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

FullClientLogs Up

all_headers (optional)
Boolean [DEPRECATED] Log all headers. Please use the all_headers flag in AnalyticsPolicy. Field deprecated in 18.1.4, 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
duration (optional)
Integer How long should the system capture all logs, measured in minutes. Set to 0 for infinite. Special values are 0 - infinite. Unit is MIN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
Boolean Capture all client logs including connections and requests. When deactivated, only errors will be logged. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. Special default for Essentials edition is false, Basic edition is false, Enterprise is False.
throttle (optional)
Integer This setting limits the number of non-significant logs generated per second for this VS on each SE. Default is 10 logs per second. Set it to zero (0) to deactivate throttling. Field introduced in 17.1.3. Unit is PER_SECOND. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

HTTPClientAuthenticationParams Up

auth_profile_ref (optional)
String Auth Profile to use for validating users. It is a reference to an object of type AuthProfile. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
realm (optional)
String Basic authentication realm to present to a user along with the prompt for credentials. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
request_uri_path (optional)
StringMatch Rrequest URI path when the authentication applies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
type (optional)
String type of client authentication. Enum options - HTTP_BASIC_AUTH. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

HTTPLocalFile Up

String Mime-type of the content in the file. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String File content to used in the local HTTP response body. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
file_length (optional)
Integer File content length. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

HTTPPolicies Up

String UUID of the virtual service HTTP policy collection. It is a reference to an object of type HTTPPolicySet. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Index of the virtual service HTTP policy collection. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

HTTPRedirectAction Up

add_string (optional)
String Add a query string to the redirect URI. If keep_query is set, concatenates the add_string to the query of the incoming request. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
host (optional)
URIParam Host config. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
keep_query (optional)
Boolean Keep or drop the query of the incoming request URI in the redirected URI. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
path (optional)
URIParam Path config. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
port (optional)
Integer Port to which redirect the request. Allowed values are 1-65535. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String Protocol type. Enum options - HTTP, HTTPS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
status_code (optional)
String HTTP redirect status code. Enum options - HTTP_REDIRECT_STATUS_CODE_301, HTTP_REDIRECT_STATUS_CODE_302, HTTP_REDIRECT_STATUS_CODE_307. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

HostHdrMatch Up

match_case (optional)
String Case sensitivity to use for the match. Enum options - SENSITIVE, INSENSITIVE. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Criterion to use for the host header value match. Enum options - HDR_EXISTS, HDR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, HDR_BEGINS_WITH, HDR_DOES_NOT_BEGIN_WITH, HDR_CONTAINS, HDR_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN, HDR_ENDS_WITH, HDR_DOES_NOT_END_WITH, HDR_EQUALS, HDR_DOES_NOT_EQUAL. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
value (optional)
array[String] String value(s) in the host header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

HttpCookiePersistenceKey Up

aes_key (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
hmac_key (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
name (optional)
String name to use for cookie encryption. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

IPNetworkSubnet Up

network_ref (optional)
String Network for VirtualService IP allocation with Vantage as the IPAM provider. Network should be created before this is configured. It is a reference to an object of type Network. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet (optional)
IpAddrPrefix Subnet for VirtualService IP allocation with Vantage or Infoblox as the IPAM provider. Only one of subnet or subnet_uuid configuration is allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet6 (optional)
IpAddrPrefix Subnet for VirtualService IPv6 allocation with Vantage or Infoblox as the IPAM provider. Only one of subnet or subnet_uuid configuration is allowed. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet6_uuid (optional)
String Subnet UUID or Name or Prefix for VirtualService IPv6 allocation with AWS or OpenStack as the IPAM provider. Only one of subnet or subnet_uuid configuration is allowed. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet_uuid (optional)
String Subnet UUID or Name or Prefix for VirtualService IP allocation with AWS or OpenStack as the IPAM provider. Only one of subnet or subnet_uuid configuration is allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

IpAddr Up

String IP address. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Enum options - V4, DNS, V6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

IpAddrMatch Up

addrs (optional)
array[IpAddr] IP address(es). Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
group_refs (optional)
array[String] UUID of IP address group(s). It is a reference to an object of type IpAddrGroup. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Criterion to use for IP address matching the HTTP request. Enum options - IS_IN, IS_NOT_IN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
prefixes (optional)
array[IpAddrPrefix] IP address prefix(es). Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ranges (optional)
array[IpAddrRange] IP address range(s). Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

IpAddrPrefix Up

IpAddr Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

IpAddrRange Up

IpAddr Starting IP address of the range. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
IpAddr Ending IP address of the range. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

JWTClaimMatch Up

bool_match (optional)
Boolean Boolean value against which the claim is matched. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
int_match (optional)
Integer Integer value against which the claim is matched. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
Boolean Specified Claim should be present in the JWT. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String JWT Claim name to be validated. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
string_match (optional)
StringMatch String values against which the claim is matched. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Specifies the type of the Claim. Enum options - JWT_CLAIM_TYPE_BOOL, JWT_CLAIM_TYPE_INT, JWT_CLAIM_TYPE_STRING. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Boolean Specifies whether to validate the Claim value. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

JWTMatch Up

matches (optional)
array[JWTClaimMatch] Claims whose values need to be matched. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
token_name (optional)
String Token for which the claims need to be validated. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

JWTValidationParams Up

String Audience parameter used for validation using JWT token. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

JWTValidationVsConfig Up

String Uniquely identifies a resource server. This is used to validate against the aud claim. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Defines where to look for JWT in the request. Enum options - JWT_LOCATION_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, JWT_LOCATION_QUERY_PARAM. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
jwt_name (optional)
String Name by which the JWT can be identified if the token is sent as a query param in the request url. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

KeyValue Up

String Key. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
value (optional)
String Value. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

L4Policies Up

Integer Index of the virtual service L4 policy set. Field introduced in 17.2.7. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String ID of the virtual service L4 policy set. It is a reference to an object of type L4PolicySet. Field introduced in 17.2.7. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.


realm (optional)
String Basic authentication realm to present to a user along with the prompt for credentials. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout (optional)
Integer Default bind timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Unit is MILLISECONDS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_cache_size (optional)
Integer Size of LDAP auth credentials cache used on the dataplane. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Unit is BYTES. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout (optional)
Integer Default connection timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Unit is MILLISECONDS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server (optional)
Integer Number of concurrent connections to LDAP server by a single basic auth LDAP process. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout (optional)
Integer Default reconnect timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Unit is MILLISECONDS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_request_timeout (optional)
Integer Default login or group search request timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Unit is MILLISECONDS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only (optional)
Boolean If enabled, connections are always made to the first available LDAP server in the list and will failover to subsequent servers. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

LearningLogPolicy Up

enabled (optional)
Boolean Determine whether app learning logging is enabled. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
host (optional)
String Host name where learning logs will be sent to. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
port (optional)
Integer Port number for the service listening for learning logs. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

Lif Up

cifs (optional)
array[Cif] Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
lif (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
lif_label (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet (optional)
String Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

MatchReplacePair Up

match_string (optional)
String String to be matched. Field deprecated in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
replacement_string (optional)
ReplaceStringVar Replacement string. Field deprecated in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

MethodMatch Up

String Criterion to use for HTTP method matching the method in the HTTP request. Enum options - IS_IN, IS_NOT_IN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
methods (optional)

MetricsRealTimeUpdate Up

duration (optional)
Integer Real time metrics collection duration in minutes. 0 for infinite. Special values are 0 - infinite. Unit is MIN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
Boolean Enables real time metrics collection. When deactivated, 6 hour view is the most granular the system will track. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

OAuthAppSettings Up

String Application specific identifier. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Application specific identifier secret. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
oidc_config (optional)
OIDCConfig OpenID Connect specific configuration. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
scopes (optional)
array[String] Scope specified to give limited access to the app. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

OAuthResourceServer Up

String Access token type. Enum options - ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE_JWT, ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE_OPAQUE. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
jwt_params (optional)
JWTValidationParams Validation parameters to be used when access token type is JWT. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
opaque_token_params (optional)
OpaqueTokenValidationParams Validation parameters to be used when access token type is opaque. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

OAuthSettings Up

app_settings (optional)
OAuthAppSettings Application-specific OAuth config. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Auth Profile to use for validating users. It is a reference to an object of type AuthProfile. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
resource_server (optional)
OAuthResourceServer Resource Server OAuth config. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

OAuthVSConfig Up

cookie_name (optional)
String HTTP cookie name for authorized session. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cookie_timeout (optional)
Integer HTTP cookie timeout for authorized session. Allowed values are 1-1440. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Unit is MIN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
key (optional)
array[HttpCookiePersistenceKey] Key to generate the cookie. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
oauth_settings (optional)
array[OAuthSettings] Application and IDP settings for OAuth/OIDC. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Maximum of 1 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
redirect_uri (optional)
String Redirect URI specified in the request to Authorization Server. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

OIDCConfig Up

oidc_enable (optional)
Boolean Adds openid as one of the scopes enabling OpenID Connect flow. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
profile (optional)
Boolean Fetch profile information by enabling profile scope. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
userinfo (optional)
Boolean Fetch profile information from Userinfo Endpoint. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

OpaqueTokenValidationParams Up

String Resource server specific identifier used to validate against introspection endpoint when access token is opaque. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Resource server specific password/secret. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

PathMatch Up

match_case (optional)
String Case sensitivity to use for the matching. Enum options - SENSITIVE, INSENSITIVE. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
match_str (optional)
array[String] String values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
string_group_refs (optional)
array[String] UUID of the string group(s). It is a reference to an object of type StringGroup. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

PerformanceLimits Up

max_concurrent_connections (optional)
Integer The maximum number of concurrent client conections allowed to the Virtual Service. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
max_throughput (optional)
Integer The maximum throughput per second for all clients allowed through the client side of the Virtual Service per SE. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

RateLimiter Up

burst_sz (optional)
Integer Maximum number of connections, requests or packets to be let through instantaneously. If this is less than count, it will have no effect. Allowed values are 0-1000000000. Field introduced in 18.2.9. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic edition(Allowed values- 0), Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
Integer Maximum number of connections, requests or packets permitted each period. Allowed values are 1-1000000000. Field introduced in 18.2.9. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
name (optional)
String Identifier for Rate Limit. Constructed according to context. Field introduced in 18.2.9. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Time value in seconds to enforce rate count. Allowed values are 1-1000000000. Field introduced in 18.2.9. Unit is SEC. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic edition(Allowed values- 1), Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

RateLimiterAction Up

file (optional)
HTTPLocalFile File to be used for HTTP Local response rate limit action. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
redirect (optional)
HTTPRedirectAction Parameters for HTTP Redirect rate limit action. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
status_code (optional)
String HTTP status code for Local Response rate limit action. Enum options - HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_200, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_204, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_403, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_404, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_429, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_501. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic edition(Allowed values- HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_429), Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
type (optional)
String Type of action to be enforced upon hitting the rate limit. Enum options - RL_ACTION_NONE, RL_ACTION_DROP_CONN, RL_ACTION_RESET_CONN, RL_ACTION_CLOSE_CONN, RL_ACTION_LOCAL_RSP, RL_ACTION_REDIRECT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic edition(Allowed values- RL_ACTION_NONE,RL_ACTION_DROP_CONN), Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

RateProfile Up

RateLimiterAction Action to perform upon rate limiting. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
burst_sz (optional)
Integer Maximum number of connections or requests or packets to be let through instantaneously. Allowed values are 10-2500. Special values are 0- automatic. Field deprecated in 18.2.9. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
count (optional)
Integer Maximum number of connections or requests or packets. Allowed values are 1-1000000000. Special values are 0- unlimited. Field deprecated in 18.2.9. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
explicit_tracking (optional)
Boolean Explicitly tracks an attacker across rate periods. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
fine_grain (optional)
Boolean Enable fine granularity. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
http_cookie (optional)
String HTTP cookie name. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
http_header (optional)
String HTTP header name. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
period (optional)
Integer Time value in seconds to enforce rate count. Allowed values are 1-300. Field deprecated in 18.2.9. Unit is SEC. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
rate_limiter (optional)
RateLimiter The rate limiter configuration for this rate profile. Field introduced in 18.2.9. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

ReplaceStringVar Up

type (optional)
String Type of replacement string - can be a variable exposed from datascript, value of an HTTP variable, a custom user-input literal string, or a string with all three combined. Enum options - DATASCRIPT_VAR, AVI_VAR, LITERAL_STRING, COMBINATION_STRING. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
val (optional)
String Value of the replacement string - name of variable exposed from datascript, name of the HTTP header, a custom user-input literal string, or a string with all three combined. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

RetryPlacementParams Up

all_east_west (optional)
Boolean Retry placement operations for all East-West services. Field introduced in 17.1.6,17.2.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Indicates the vip_id that needs placement retrial. Field introduced in 17.1.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

RoleFilterMatchLabel Up

String Key for filter match. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
values (optional)
array[String] Values for filter match. Multiple values will be evaluated as OR. Example key = value1 OR key = value2. Behavior for match is key = * if this field is empty. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

RspContentRewriteRule Up

enable (optional)
Boolean Enable rewrite rule on response body. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
index (optional)
Integer Index of the response rewrite rule. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
name (optional)
String Name of the response rewrite rule. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pairs (optional)
array[SearchReplacePair] List of search-and-replace string pairs for the response body. For eg. Strings 'foo' and 'bar', where all searches of 'foo' in the response body will be replaced with 'bar'. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.


acs_index (optional)
Integer Index to be used in the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex attribute of the Authentication request, if the authn_req_acs_type is set to Use AssertionConsumerServiceIndex. Allowed values are 0-64. Field introduced in 21.1.6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String Option to set the ACS attributes in the AuthnRequest . Enum options - SAML_AUTHN_REQ_ACS_TYPE_URL, SAML_AUTHN_REQ_ACS_TYPE_INDEX, SAML_AUTHN_REQ_ACS_TYPE_NONE. Field introduced in 21.1.6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cookie_name (optional)
String HTTP cookie name for authenticated session. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cookie_timeout (optional)
Integer Cookie timeout in minutes. Allowed values are 1-1440. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Unit is MIN. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String Globally unique SAML entityID for this node. The SAML application entity ID on the IDP should match this. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
key (optional)
array[HttpCookiePersistenceKey] Key to generate the cookie. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
signing_ssl_key_and_certificate_ref (optional)
String SP will use this SSL certificate to sign requests going to the IdP and decrypt the assertions coming from IdP. It is a reference to an object of type SSLKeyAndCertificate. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String SAML Single Signon endpoint to receive the Authentication response. This also specifies the destination endpoint to be configured for this application on the IDP. If the authn_req_acs_type is set to 'Use AssertionConsumerServiceURL', this endpoint will be sent in the AssertionConsumerServiceURL attribute of the Authentication request. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
sp_metadata (optional)
String SAML SP metadata for this application. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
use_idp_session_timeout (optional)
Boolean By enabling this field IdP can control how long the SP session can exist through the SessionNotOnOrAfter field in the AuthNStatement of SAML Response. Field introduced in 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

SSLCacheFilter Up

ssl_session_id (optional)
String Hexadecimal representation of the SSL session ID. Field introduced in 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

SSLProfileSelector Up

IpAddrMatch Configure client IP address groups. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String SSL profile for the client IP addresses listed. It is a reference to an object of type SSLProfile. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

SSOPolicy Up

_last_modified (optional)
String UNIX time since epoch in microseconds. Units(MICROSECONDS).
authentication_policy (optional)
AuthenticationPolicy Authentication Policy Settings. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
authorization_policy (optional)
AuthorizationPolicy Authorization Policy Settings. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
configpb_attributes (optional)
ConfigPbAttributes Protobuf versioning for config pbs. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
labels (optional)
array[KeyValue] Key value pairs for granular object access control. Also allows for classification and tagging of similar objects. Field deprecated in 20.1.5. Field introduced in 20.1.2. Maximum of 4 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
markers (optional)
array[RoleFilterMatchLabel] List of labels to be used for granular RBAC. Field introduced in 20.1.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Name of the SSO Policy. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_ref (optional)
String UUID of the Tenant. It is a reference to an object of type Tenant. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String SSO Policy Type. Enum options - SSO_TYPE_SAML, SSO_TYPE_PINGACCESS, SSO_TYPE_JWT, SSO_TYPE_LDAP, SSO_TYPE_OAUTH. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
url (optional)
String url
uuid (optional)
String UUID of the SSO Policy. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

SSOPolicyApiResponse Up

Integer format: int32
next (optional)

SearchReplacePair Up

replacement_string (optional)
ReplaceStringVar String to replace the searched value. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
SearchStringVar String to search for in the body. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

SearchStringVar Up

type (optional)
String Type of search string - can be a variable exposed from datascript, value of an HTTP variable, a custom user-input literal string, or a regular expression. Enum options - SEARCH_DATASCRIPT_VAR, SEARCH_AVI_VAR, SEARCH_LITERAL_STRING, SEARCH_REGEX. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Value of search string - can be a variable exposed from datascript, value of an HTTP variable, a custom user-input literal string, or a regular expression. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Service Up

enable_http2 (optional)
Boolean Enable HTTP2 on this port. Field introduced in 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
enable_ssl (optional)
Boolean Enable SSL termination and offload for traffic from clients. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
horizon_internal_ports (optional)
Boolean Used for Horizon deployment. If set used for L7 redirect. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
override_application_profile_ref (optional)
String Enable application layer specific features for the this specific service. It is a reference to an object of type ApplicationProfile. Field introduced in 17.2.4. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
override_network_profile_ref (optional)
String Override the network profile for this specific service port. It is a reference to an object of type NetworkProfile. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer The Virtual Service's port number. Allowed values are 0-65535. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
port_range_end (optional)
Integer The end of the Virtual Service's port number range. Allowed values are 1-65535. Special values are 0- single port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

ServicePoolSelector Up

service_pool_group_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type PoolGroup. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
service_pool_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type Pool. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Pool based destination port. Allowed values are 1-65535. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
service_port_range_end (optional)
Integer The end of the Service port number range. Allowed values are 1-65535. Special values are 0- single port. Field introduced in 17.2.4. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
service_protocol (optional)
String Destination protocol to match for the pool selection. If not specified, it will match any protocol. Enum options - PROTOCOL_TYPE_TCP_PROXY, PROTOCOL_TYPE_TCP_FAST_PATH, PROTOCOL_TYPE_UDP_FAST_PATH, PROTOCOL_TYPE_UDP_PROXY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

SidebandProfile Up

ip (optional)
array[IpAddr] IP Address of the sideband server. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
sideband_max_request_body_size (optional)
Integer Maximum size of the request body that will be sent on the sideband. Allowed values are 0-16384. Unit is BYTES. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

StringMatch Up

match_str (optional)
array[String] String value(s). Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
string_group_refs (optional)
array[String] UUID of the string group(s). It is a reference to an object of type StringGroup. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

URIParam Up

tokens (optional)
array[URIParamToken] Token config either for the URI components or a constant string. Minimum of 1 items required. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String URI param type. Enum options - URI_PARAM_TYPE_TOKENIZED. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

URIParamToken Up

end_index (optional)
Integer Index of the ending token in the incoming URI. Allowed values are 0-65534. Special values are 65535 - end of string. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
start_index (optional)
Integer Index of the starting token in the incoming URI. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
str_value (optional)
String Constant string to use as a token. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Token type for constructing the URI. Enum options - URI_TOKEN_TYPE_HOST, URI_TOKEN_TYPE_PATH, URI_TOKEN_TYPE_STRING, URI_TOKEN_TYPE_STRING_GROUP, URI_TOKEN_TYPE_REGEX. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VHMatch Up

String Host/domain name match configuration. Must be configured along with at least one path match criteria. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
path (optional)
array[PathMatch] Resource/uri path match configuration. Must be configured along with Host match criteria. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Minimum of 1 items required. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VSDataScripts Up

Integer Index of the virtual service datascript collection. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String UUID of the virtual service datascript collection. It is a reference to an object of type VSDataScriptSet. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Vip Up

auto_allocate_floating_ip (optional)
Boolean Auto-allocate floating/elastic IP from the Cloud infrastructure. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
auto_allocate_ip (optional)
Boolean Auto-allocate VIP from the provided subnet. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
auto_allocate_ip_type (optional)
String Specifies whether to auto-allocate only a V4 address, only a V6 address, or one of each type. Enum options - V4_ONLY, V6_ONLY, V4_V6. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- V4_ONLY), Basic edition(Allowed values- V4_ONLY), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
availability_zone (optional)
String Availability-zone to place the Virtual Service. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
avi_allocated_fip (optional)
Boolean (internal-use) FIP allocated by Avi in the Cloud infrastructure. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
avi_allocated_vip (optional)
Boolean (internal-use) VIP allocated by Avi in the Cloud infrastructure. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
discovered_networks (optional)
array[DiscoveredNetwork] Discovered networks providing reachability for client facing Vip IP. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
enabled (optional)
Boolean Enable or disable the Vip. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
floating_ip (optional)
IpAddr Floating IPv4 to associate with this Vip. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
floating_ip6 (optional)
IpAddr Floating IPv6 address to associate with this Vip. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
floating_subnet6_uuid (optional)
String If auto_allocate_floating_ip is True and more than one floating-ip subnets exist, then the subnet for the floating IPv6 address allocation. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
floating_subnet_uuid (optional)
String If auto_allocate_floating_ip is True and more than one floating-ip subnets exist, then the subnet for the floating IP address allocation. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ip6_address (optional)
IpAddr IPv6 Address of the Vip. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ip_address (optional)
IpAddr IPv4 Address of the VIP. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ipam_network_subnet (optional)
IPNetworkSubnet Subnet and/or Network for allocating VirtualService IP by IPAM Provider module. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
network_ref (optional)
String Manually override the network on which the Vip is placed. It is a reference to an object of type Network. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
placement_networks (optional)
array[VipPlacementNetwork] Placement networks/subnets to use for vip placement. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Maximum of 10 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
port_uuid (optional)
String (internal-use) Network port assigned to the Vip IP address. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
prefix_length (optional)
Integer Mask applied for the Vip, non-default mask supported only for wildcard Vip. Allowed values are 0-32. Field introduced in 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- 32), Basic edition(Allowed values- 32), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
subnet (optional)
IpAddrPrefix Subnet providing reachability for client facing Vip IP. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet6 (optional)
IpAddrPrefix Subnet providing reachability for client facing Vip IPv6. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet6_uuid (optional)
String If auto_allocate_ip is True, then the subnet for the Vip IPv6 address allocation. This field is applicable only if the VirtualService belongs to an Openstack or AWS cloud, in which case it is mandatory, if auto_allocate is selected. Field introduced in 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet_uuid (optional)
String If auto_allocate_ip is True, then the subnet for the Vip IP address allocation. This field is applicable only if the VirtualService belongs to an Openstack or AWS cloud, in which case it is mandatory, if auto_allocate is selected. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Unique ID associated with the vip. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VipPlacementNetwork Up

network_ref (optional)
String Network to use for vip placement. It is a reference to an object of type Network. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet (optional)
IpAddrPrefix IPv4 Subnet to use for vip placement. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet6 (optional)
IpAddrPrefix IPv6 subnet to use for vip placement. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VirtualService Up

_last_modified (optional)
String UNIX time since epoch in microseconds. Units(MICROSECONDS).
active_standby_se_tag (optional)
String This configuration only applies if the VirtualService is in Legacy Active Standby HA mode and Load Distribution among Active Standby is enabled. This field is used to tag the VirtualService so that VirtualServices with the same tag will share the same Active ServiceEngine. VirtualServices with different tags will have different Active ServiceEngines. If one of the ServiceEngine's in the ServiceEngineGroup fails, all VirtualServices will end up using the same Active ServiceEngine. Redistribution of the VirtualServices can be either manual or automated when the failed ServiceEngine recovers. Redistribution is based on the auto redistribute property of the ServiceEngineGroup. Enum options - ACTIVE_STANDBY_SE_1, ACTIVE_STANDBY_SE_2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
advertise_down_vs (optional)
Boolean Keep advertising Virtual Service via BGP even if it is marked down by health monitor. This setting takes effect for future Virtual Service flaps. To advertise current VSes that are down, please disable and re-enable the Virtual Service. Field introduced in 20.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
allow_invalid_client_cert (optional)
Boolean Process request even if invalid client certificate is presented. Datascript APIs need to be used for processing of such requests. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
analytics_policy (optional)
AnalyticsPolicy Determines analytics settings for the application. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
analytics_profile_ref (optional)
String Specifies settings related to analytics. It is a reference to an object of type AnalyticsProfile. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
apic_contract_graph (optional)
String The name of the Contract/Graph associated with the Virtual Service. Should be in the <Contract name> <Graph name> format. This is applicable only for Service Integration mode with Cisco APIC Controller . Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Field introduced in 17.2.12,18.1.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
application_profile_ref (optional)
String Enable application layer specific features for the Virtual Service. It is a reference to an object of type ApplicationProfile. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. Special default for Essentials edition is System-L4-Application.
auto_allocate_floating_ip (optional)
Boolean Auto-allocate floating/elastic IP from the Cloud infrastructure. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
auto_allocate_ip (optional)
Boolean Auto-allocate VIP from the provided subnet. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
availability_zone (optional)
String Availability-zone to place the Virtual Service. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
avi_allocated_fip (optional)
Boolean (internal-use) FIP allocated by Avi in the Cloud infrastructure. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
avi_allocated_vip (optional)
Boolean (internal-use) VIP allocated by Avi in the Cloud infrastructure. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
azure_availability_set (optional)
String (internal-use)Applicable for Azure only. Azure Availability set to which this VS is associated. Internally set by the cloud connector. Field introduced in 17.2.12, 18.1.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
bgp_peer_labels (optional)
array[String] Select BGP peers, using peer label, for VsVip advertisement. Field introduced in 20.1.5. Maximum of 128 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
bot_policy_ref (optional)
String Bot detection policy for the Virtual Service. It is a reference to an object of type BotDetectionPolicy. Field introduced in 21.1.1.
bulk_sync_kvcache (optional)
Boolean (This is a beta feature). Sync Key-Value cache to the new SEs when VS is scaled out. For ex SSL sessions are stored using VS's Key-Value cache. When the VS is scaled out, the SSL session information is synced to the new SE, allowing existing SSL sessions to be reused on the new SE. . Field introduced in 17.2.7, 18.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
client_auth (optional)
HTTPClientAuthenticationParams HTTP authentication configuration for protected resources. Field deprecated in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
close_client_conn_on_config_update (optional)
Boolean close client connection on vs config update. Field introduced in 17.2.4. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cloud_config_cksum (optional)
String Checksum of cloud configuration for VS. Internally set by cloud connector. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cloud_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type Cloud. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
cloud_type (optional)
String Enum options - CLOUD_NONE, CLOUD_VCENTER, CLOUD_OPENSTACK, CLOUD_AWS, CLOUD_VCA, CLOUD_APIC, CLOUD_MESOS, CLOUD_LINUXSERVER, CLOUD_DOCKER_UCP, CLOUD_RANCHER, CLOUD_OSHIFT_K8S, CLOUD_AZURE, CLOUD_GCP, CLOUD_NSXT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- CLOUD_NONE,CLOUD_VCENTER), Basic edition(Allowed values- CLOUD_NONE,CLOUD_NSXT), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
configpb_attributes (optional)
ConfigPbAttributes Protobuf versioning for config pbs. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
connections_rate_limit (optional)
RateProfile Rate limit the incoming connections to this virtual service. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
content_rewrite (optional)
ContentRewriteProfile Profile used to match and rewrite strings in request and/or response body. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
created_by (optional)
String Creator name. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
delay_fairness (optional)
Boolean Select the algorithm for QoS fairness. This determines how multiple Virtual Services sharing the same Service Engines will prioritize traffic over a congested network. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
description (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
discovered_network_ref (optional)
array[String] (internal-use) Discovered networks providing reachability for client facing Virtual Service IP. This field is deprecated. It is a reference to an object of type Network. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
discovered_networks (optional)
array[DiscoveredNetwork] (internal-use) Discovered networks providing reachability for client facing Virtual Service IP. This field is used internally by Avi, not editable by the user. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
discovered_subnet (optional)
array[IpAddrPrefix] (internal-use) Discovered subnets providing reachability for client facing Virtual Service IP. This field is deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dns_info (optional)
array[DnsInfo] Service discovery specific data including fully qualified domain name, type and Time-To-Live of the DNS record. Note that only one of fqdn and dns_info setting is allowed. Maximum of 1000 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dns_policies (optional)
array[DnsPolicies] DNS Policies applied on the dns traffic of the Virtual Service. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
east_west_placement (optional)
Boolean Force placement on all SE's in service group (Mesos mode only). Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
enable_autogw (optional)
Boolean Response traffic to clients will be sent back to the source MAC address of the connection, rather than statically sent to a default gateway. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. Special default for Essentials edition is false, Basic edition is false, Enterprise is True.
enable_rhi (optional)
Boolean Enable Route Health Injection using the BGP Config in the vrf context. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
enable_rhi_snat (optional)
Boolean Enable Route Health Injection for Source NAT'ted floating IP Address using the BGP Config in the vrf context. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
enabled (optional)
Boolean Enable or disable the Virtual Service. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
error_page_profile_ref (optional)
String Error Page Profile to be used for this virtualservice.This profile is used to send the custom error page to the client generated by the proxy. It is a reference to an object of type ErrorPageProfile. Field introduced in 17.2.4. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
floating_ip (optional)
IpAddr Floating IP to associate with this Virtual Service. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
floating_subnet_uuid (optional)
String If auto_allocate_floating_ip is True and more than one floating-ip subnets exist, then the subnet for the floating IP address allocation. This field is applicable only if the VirtualService belongs to an OpenStack or AWS cloud. In OpenStack or AWS cloud it is required when auto_allocate_floating_ip is selected. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
flow_dist (optional)
String Criteria for flow distribution among SEs. Enum options - LOAD_AWARE, CONSISTENT_HASH_SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS, CONSISTENT_HASH_SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS_AND_PORT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- LOAD_AWARE), Basic edition(Allowed values- LOAD_AWARE), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
flow_label_type (optional)
String Criteria for flow labelling. Enum options - NO_LABEL, APPLICATION_LABEL, SERVICE_LABEL. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
fqdn (optional)
String DNS resolvable, fully qualified domain name of the virtualservice. Only one of 'fqdn' and 'dns_info' configuration is allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
host_name_xlate (optional)
String Translate the host name sent to the servers to this value. Translate the host name sent from servers back to the value used by the client. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
http_policies (optional)
array[HTTPPolicies] HTTP Policies applied on the data traffic of the Virtual Service. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
icap_request_profile_refs (optional)
array[String] The config settings for the ICAP server when checking the HTTP request. It is a reference to an object of type IcapProfile. Field introduced in 20.1.1. Maximum of 1 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ign_pool_net_reach (optional)
Boolean Ignore Pool servers network reachability constraints for Virtual Service placement. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ip_address (optional)
IpAddr IP Address of the Virtual Service. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ipam_network_subnet (optional)
IPNetworkSubnet Subnet and/or Network for allocating VirtualService IP by IPAM Provider module. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
jwt_config (optional)
JWTValidationVsConfig Application-specific config for JWT validation. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
l4_policies (optional)
array[L4Policies] L4 Policies applied to the data traffic of the Virtual Service. Field introduced in 17.2.7. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
labels (optional)
array[KeyValue] Key value pairs for granular object access control. Also allows for classification and tagging of similar objects. Field deprecated in 20.1.5. Field introduced in 20.1.2. Maximum of 4 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ldap_vs_config (optional)
LDAPVSConfig Application-specific LDAP config. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit_doser (optional)
Boolean Limit potential DoS attackers who exceed max_cps_per_client significantly to a fraction of max_cps_per_client for a while. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
markers (optional)
array[RoleFilterMatchLabel] List of labels to be used for granular RBAC. Field introduced in 20.1.5. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
max_cps_per_client (optional)
Integer Maximum connections per second per client IP. Allowed values are 10-1000. Special values are 0- unlimited. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
microservice_ref (optional)
String Microservice representing the virtual service. It is a reference to an object of type MicroService. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
min_pools_up (optional)
Integer Minimum number of UP pools to mark VS up. Field introduced in 18.2.1, 17.2.12. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String Name for the Virtual Service. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
network_profile_ref (optional)
String Determines network settings such as protocol, TCP or UDP, and related options for the protocol. It is a reference to an object of type NetworkProfile. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. Special default for Essentials edition is System-TCP-Fast-Path.
network_ref (optional)
String Manually override the network on which the Virtual Service is placed. It is a reference to an object of type Network. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
network_security_policy_ref (optional)
String Network security policies for the Virtual Service. It is a reference to an object of type NetworkSecurityPolicy. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
nsx_securitygroup (optional)
array[String] A list of NSX Groups representing the Clients which can access the Virtual IP of the Virtual Service. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
oauth_vs_config (optional)
OAuthVSConfig VirtualService specific OAuth config. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
performance_limits (optional)
PerformanceLimits Optional settings that determine performance limits like max connections or bandwdith etc. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_group_ref (optional)
String The pool group is an object that contains pools. It is a reference to an object of type PoolGroup. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_ref (optional)
String The pool is an object that contains destination servers and related attributes such as load-balancing and persistence. It is a reference to an object of type Pool. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
port_uuid (optional)
String (internal-use) Network port assigned to the Virtual Service IP address. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
remove_listening_port_on_vs_down (optional)
Boolean Remove listening port if VirtualService is down. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
requests_rate_limit (optional)
RateProfile Rate limit the incoming requests to this virtual service. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
saml_sp_config (optional)
SAMLSPConfig Application-specific SAML config. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
scaleout_ecmp (optional)
Boolean Disable re-distribution of flows across service engines for a virtual service. Enable if the network itself performs flow hashing with ECMP in environments such as GCP. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
se_group_ref (optional)
String The Service Engine Group to use for this Virtual Service. Moving to a new SE Group is disruptive to existing connections for this VS. It is a reference to an object of type ServiceEngineGroup. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
security_policy_ref (optional)
String Security policy applied on the traffic of the Virtual Service. This policy is used to perform security actions such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack mitigation, etc. It is a reference to an object of type SecurityPolicy. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server_network_profile_ref (optional)
String Determines the network settings profile for the server side of TCP proxied connections. Leave blank to use the same settings as the client to VS side of the connection. It is a reference to an object of type NetworkProfile. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
service_metadata (optional)
String Metadata pertaining to the Service provided by this virtual service. In Openshift/Kubernetes environments, egress pod info is stored. Any user input to this field will be overwritten by Avi Vantage. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
service_pool_select (optional)
array[ServicePoolSelector] Select pool based on destination port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
services (optional)
array[Service] List of Services defined for this Virtual Service. Maximum of 2048 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
sideband_profile (optional)
SidebandProfile Sideband configuration to be used for this virtualservice.It can be used for sending traffic to sideband VIPs for external inspection etc. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
snat_ip (optional)
array[IpAddr] NAT'ted floating source IP Address(es) for upstream connection to servers. Maximum of 32 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
sp_pool_refs (optional)
array[String] GSLB pools used to manage site-persistence functionality. Each site-persistence pool contains the virtualservices in all the other sites, that is auto-generated by the GSLB manager. This is a read-only field for the user. It is a reference to an object of type Pool. Field introduced in 17.2.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ssl_key_and_certificate_refs (optional)
array[String] Select or create one or two certificates, EC and/or RSA, that will be presented to SSL/TLS terminated connections. It is a reference to an object of type SSLKeyAndCertificate. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ssl_profile_ref (optional)
String Determines the set of SSL versions and ciphers to accept for SSL/TLS terminated connections. It is a reference to an object of type SSLProfile. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ssl_profile_selectors (optional)
array[SSLProfileSelector] Select SSL Profile based on client IP address match. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ssl_sess_cache_avg_size (optional)
Integer Expected number of SSL session cache entries (may be exceeded). Allowed values are 1024-16383. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
sso_policy (optional)
SSOPolicy Client Authentication and Authorization Policy for the virtualservice. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. Field introduced in 18.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
sso_policy_ref (optional)
String The SSO Policy attached to the virtualservice. It is a reference to an object of type SSOPolicy. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
static_dns_records (optional)
array[DnsRecord] List of static DNS records applied to this Virtual Service. These are static entries and no health monitoring is performed against the IP addresses. Maximum of 1000 items allowed. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet (optional)
IpAddrPrefix Subnet providing reachability for client facing Virtual Service IP. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
subnet_uuid (optional)
String It represents subnet for the Virtual Service IP address allocation when auto_allocate_ip is True.It is only applicable in OpenStack or AWS cloud. This field is required if auto_allocate_ip is True. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
test_se_datastore_level_1_ref (optional)
String Used for testing SE Datastore Upgrade 2.0 functionality. It is a reference to an object of type TestSeDatastoreLevel1. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
topology_policies (optional)
array[DnsPolicies] Topology Policies applied on the dns traffic of the Virtual Service based onGSLB Topology algorithm. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
traffic_clone_profile_ref (optional)
String Server network or list of servers for cloning traffic. It is a reference to an object of type TrafficCloneProfile. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
traffic_enabled (optional)
Boolean Knob to enable the Virtual Service traffic on its assigned service engines. This setting is effective only when the enabled flag is set to True. Field introduced in 17.2.8. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
type (optional)
String Specify if this is a normal Virtual Service, or if it is the parent or child of an SNI-enabled virtual hosted Virtual Service. Enum options - VS_TYPE_NORMAL, VS_TYPE_VH_PARENT, VS_TYPE_VH_CHILD. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- VS_TYPE_NORMAL), Basic edition(Allowed values- VS_TYPE_NORMAL,VS_TYPE_VH_PARENT), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
url (optional)
String url
use_bridge_ip_as_vip (optional)
Boolean Use Bridge IP as VIP on each Host in Mesos deployments. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic edition(Allowed values- false), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
use_vip_as_snat (optional)
Boolean Use the Virtual IP as the SNAT IP for health monitoring and sending traffic to the backend servers instead of the Service Engine interface IP. The caveat of enabling this option is that the VirtualService cannot be configued in an Active-Active HA mode. DNS based Multi VIP solution has to be used for HA & Non-disruptive Upgrade purposes. Field introduced in 17.1.9,17.2.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- false), Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uuid (optional)
String UUID of the VirtualService. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vh_domain_name (optional)
array[String] The exact name requested from the client's SNI-enabled TLS hello domain name field. If this is a match, the parent VS will forward the connection to this child VS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vh_matches (optional)
array[VHMatch] Host and path match criteria to select this child VS. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vh_parent_vs_ref (optional)
String Specifies the Virtual Service acting as Virtual Hosting (SNI) parent. It is a reference to an object of type VirtualService. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vh_type (optional)
String Specify if the Virtual Hosting VS is of type SNI or Enhanced. Enum options - VS_TYPE_VH_SNI, VS_TYPE_VH_ENHANCED. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic edition(Allowed values- VS_TYPE_VH_SNI,VS_TYPE_VH_ENHANCED), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vip (optional)
array[Vip] List of Virtual Service IPs. While creating a 'Shared VS',please use vsvip_ref to point to the shared entities. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vrf_context_ref (optional)
String Virtual Routing Context that the Virtual Service is bound to. This is used to provide the isolation of the set of networks the application is attached to. It is a reference to an object of type VrfContext. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vs_datascripts (optional)
array[VSDataScripts] Datascripts applied on the data traffic of the Virtual Service. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vsvip_cloud_config_cksum (optional)
String Checksum of cloud configuration for VsVip. Internally set by cloud connector. Field introduced in 17.2.9, 18.1.2. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition with any value, Basic edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
vsvip_ref (optional)
String Mostly used during the creation of Shared VS, this field refers to entities that can be shared across Virtual Services. It is a reference to an object of type VsVip. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
waf_policy_ref (optional)
String WAF policy for the Virtual Service. It is a reference to an object of type WafPolicy. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
weight (optional)
Integer The Quality of Service weight to assign to traffic transmitted from this Virtual Service. A higher weight will prioritize traffic versus other Virtual Services sharing the same Service Engines. Allowed values are 1-128. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials edition(Allowed values- 1), Basic edition(Allowed values- 1), Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32

VirtualServiceApiResponse Up

Integer format: int32
next (optional)

VsMigrateParams Up

from_se_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type ServiceEngine. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
new_vcpus (optional)
Integer Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
to_host_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type VIMgrHostRuntime. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
to_new_se (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
to_se_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type ServiceEngine. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VsResyncParams Up

se_ref (optional)
array[String] It is a reference to an object of type ServiceEngine. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VsScaleinParams Up

admin_down (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
from_se_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type ServiceEngine. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
scalein_primary (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VsScaleoutParams Up

admin_up (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
new_vcpus (optional)
Integer Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
to_host_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type VIMgrHostRuntime. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
to_new_se (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
to_se_ref (optional)
String It is a reference to an object of type ServiceEngine. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

VsSwitchoverParams Up

se_uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.